Monday, October 27, 2008


kitty yang miao miao~

michael yang funny

kelv sure can attract both sex

ee chiet yang blur blur

this is wat u hav to do if u so keen to hav the chicken wing
chicken wing + watermelon...nice~

i think michael love to play wih prawn.

can u spot a 4 number in the pot?lolz..

kitty love eh..i mean prawn...

ok...this is more yuen steamboat!!!!!!!for a short period.i had yuen steamoat for 3 weeks in a row...kesian me abit lah...keep doing this will make me very fat geh anyway...we all had a great night...for those who ffk...super sienz....

oh ya..bout kelv,he is super cool that night..he can attract 2 dude and a gal.the most powerful part is...the gal asked him to bring her home.we was!!!


Kelv said...

You really blog it! Hey, why my photo I look so blur?

Anonymous said...

y dun have ur photo de?

d Kevin b said...

kelv:coz wen i took...u r in blur mode..

kitt:coz...i nv take photo of my self loh...4got to take a group photo tim...

海洋天使 said...

hai~~~ those ffk, but how to those who is not invited??? hai~~~

d Kevin b said...

i m not the 1 organise...i juz got invited a follower...

W said...

Hey~! Go Yuen Steamboat never call us CRM Team to join hahahha~

Just to let u know most of us currently station very nearby a.k.a. Menara Kurnia ;)

d Kevin b said...

haiz....kitty....u see u organise geh?left out so many ppl geh?

Anonymous said...

What to do...IBMers nv know CRM team....haha!!

d Kevin b said...

lolz...correct oso..CRM team all on site al the time 1.

Anonymous said...

wa, yuan steamboat, i so long nvr eat liao lorrr...miss it actually



MR Kevin Tai

MR Kevin Tai

Speak Out!

